Do It Afraid Tees

Do It Afraid Tees
Shirts are adult sizes, unisex + tri-blend.
Order turnaround time is expected to be three weeks.
To pick up your order, select “Local Pickup” at checkout.
***For local pickup in Des Moines, use code “LOCALPICKUP” at checkout.***
When my daughter Tristyn was about 4, I had a mom guilt moment. I had been on the phone all day coaching people and said one too many times "not now," "in a minute," "I'll be right there" and she just sat on the floor playing and I was certain, feeling slighted.
Fast forward a few weeks later to the first children's church program she was in. She did her thing and afterward I said "how did it go, what did you think?" She answered "At first I was super nervous, there were so many people and then I remembered what you said and I "did it afraid.”
I realized in all of those guilty moments she was listening and learning... and the legacy I want to leave was born. "Do it afraid".
Trisytn my daughter is now 9 and she has been "doing it afraid" ever since. She gets credit for a mantra I live in with pride. I hope in your life, you "do it afraid.”
Be bold, be brave, do it anyway. It's worth it and you may discover something unexpected, something that will change your life.